Thursday, January 23, 2025

Blog #3 - The Eight Values of Free Expression

    The Eight Values of Free Expression are as written: Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. These core values help define and shape our American right and privilege to free speech.

    Going into writing this blog, I did not know much about these principles, rather, I looked solely to the 6 clauses or freedoms listed in the 1st Amendment. While our right to freedom of speech is clearly set by the definition of the 1st Amendment, it was interesting reading through the values and making connections to past and present America.

    To start, I felt the value that best resonates with me is that of Individual Self-Fulfillment (aka Self-Actualization) defined as "Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity — and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy" (Baker). This was fascinating to break down because it raised two thoughts.

    My initial thought was immense pride in having these rights; the ability to be an individual, create your own identity. This allows for reflecting on decisions you made independently, and how it leads to improved human dignity. My next thought was reflecting once again on my pride, noting how blessed we are to be American and have the rights to many forms of freedom. It also raised questions about how civilians in nations with nearly no granted freedom would have considerably less human dignity based on these values. While many civilians in these other nations may feel miserable or trapped because this lack of freedom, certain beliefs lead many nations to respect this denial of freedom.

    Moving forward, while all eight values could be viewed as equally important, people may view certain values higher then others. Personally, I believe there are two principles that rise slightly higher then the rest. 

    The first value is Check on Governmental Power (aka Watchdog Role) which is defined as "As Watergate, Irangate, Clintongate and all the other "gates" demonstrate, freedom of the press enables citizens to learn about abuses of power — and then do something about the abuse at the ballot box if they feel so moved. We, along with the press, are part of the check-and-balance system to restrains government power and abuse of power" (Blasi). I feel this is extremely important as our entire government relies on this system of checks and balances, allowing an equal distribution of power amongst the three branches. Checks and balances is much more then just the system our government relies on to divide the three branches, but it is used within almost all branches and gives power to the people, allowing us to keep our government in check.

    The second value is that of Protect Dissent, defined as "Our system is not supposed to be one of mob rule. The First Amendment protects minority views, no matter how unpopular. You have a strongly protected right to disagree with the government — and everyone else. In fact, it is your patriotic duty to criticize the government" (Shiffrin). I feel this is incredibly important because it is something commonly misunderstood amongst many Americans, especially the younger generations. Having this right is especially unique to America, with governmental powers and leaders typically only allowing praise; such as North Korea. Having this right helps us, again, keep the government in check and gives us a higher sense of human dignity.

    Next, the value that felt the most personal to me was Promote Innovation, defined as "A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways" (Balkin). Always striving to be creative, it has only just become a realization that freedom permits creativity. After reading this value, it immediately stuck out to me because, like everything else in the world, creativity, energy, and interest are frequencies; always flowing, constantly changing. I reflected on these frequencies and noticed a direct correlation to different forms of freedom and how they increased the strength of these frequencies.

    To finish, I wanted to look at the values most connected to the state of modern America. The two values I felt are most applicable today are Participation in Self-Government and Stable Change.

    Participation in Self-Government has been defined as "It has been suggested that citizens will not make wise and informed choices in elections if candidates and proponents of certain policies are restricted in their ability to communicate positions. We want an informed electorate involved in debate" (Meiklejohn). I felt this is extremely relative to the world we live in because we just finished an election where candidates did tours spreading their beliefs and intended policies. I was also particularly interesting in how social media greatly benefits this value, as information regarding current politics spread quickly across platforms.

    Stable Change (aka Saftey Valve) is considered "It has been suggested that a society in which angry and alienated citizens are allowed to speak their mind, or "vent," will be more stable, as people will be less likely to resort to violenceIt has also been pointed out that allowing the alienated and discontented to speak freely enables government to better monitor potentially dangerous groups who would otherwise act more clandestinely. Ultimately, it is in the governments own self-interest to allow such venting" (Spinoza). I felt this was tied to present time because, like with Protect Dissent, many people need to understand that having the ability to speak out and openly against acts made by the government is our civic duty. While modern political disagreements tend to blow out of proportion due to social media and radical ideals, many Americans need to understand that venting about our government is a protected, valued, and crucial American right.

Blog #2 - The Supreme Court

    Established in 1789, the Supreme Court serves as the highest judicial authority in the United States, defending our Constitution. It is comprised of nine Justices, one of which being the Chief Justice. These Justices work together to solve the largest and most controversial cases seen nationwide, applying the Constitution and their own respected opinions to find a compromise and decision.  

The Supreme Court Building

   Prior to watching the videos, I had very little idea of what went on inside the courtroom and the process of deciding and announcing cases. I knew the Supreme Court remains the most powerful section of the Judiciary Branch of Government, they have the power to choose what cases to hear, there is a Chief Justice, and the existence of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. That's about it. After watching the videos, I feel much more educated about the Supreme Court and the process of deciding a case. 

Dred Scott
    To start, watching these videos gave me a ton of new information surrounding the Supreme Court. I was very interested to find out that in its 236 years of existence, the court has only had just over 100 Justices total. While this makes sense after learning Justices, on average, serve for 16 years and often more, this information added perspective to the exclusivity of serving as a Justice.     

    Continuing, I also learned about how controversial Dred Scott's case was, and its massive effect on American history. While I had heard his name before, I did not know much about who he was or his case in the Supreme Court. After watching the videos, I see how crucial his case was in the abolishment of slavery and establishing the 14th Amendment.

The U.S. Constitution

    In reflecting on both videos, there are two clear takeaways, both sharing the importance of the American people. One takeaway is cited at 8:48 in video Part 2 when the narrator states, "If the Court ever stopped defending the Constitution, or the ever people stopped listening, then one of the treasures that keep this the freest nation in the world would cease to exist." This is a very powerful and true quote as the trust built between the court and the people relies on equality, attentiveness, publicity, and individuality in thought.

John Marshall
    To finish, my thoughts about the Supreme Court did not change much, but my knowledge and reasoning behind these thoughts have become better educated. Coming into this blog, I knew
very little
about the history, details, and process behind the Supreme Court, but as an American I have been raised to respect and admire the importance of the Court.

    After watching the videos, I am more prideful and interested in the Supreme Court. One main reason for this is how the videos showed that the Justices are human, like you and me. Seen in the videos when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg expressed how nervous she got when entering the Supreme Court Room for the first time. Another example lies in the process of coming to a decision and writing an opinion, being that each Justice is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions. While a compromise is inevitable, having the ability to say and publish your own opinions on a case is uniquely American. 

Blog #1 - My Top Five Sources of News and Information

    How do you stay up to date with news and current events? With much of this information being accessible online, it's important to assess what platforms best spread news that apply to you and your community. Because of the rise of spreading news through social media, fake news and credibility issues have become a much more prevalent issue in the spreading of news. Because of this, it is important to know sources which might have bias or a bad reputation. Listed below are five sources which I most commonly use and trust to stay updated with all forms of news. 

TikTok News and Top Stories | TikTok ...

     TikTok is a major source of news for me as well as many other Americans. While the credibility of much news can cause speculation, TikTok offers information major news platforms may deem grotesque, lewd, insignificant, or adjacent to their political party. It is because of this near freedom of "coverage" and unique For You Page algorithm that makes TikTok something that, like me, many people globally use as a source of news. Hopecore has become a trend, spreading positive news across the platform which is great because there is so much negativity in much of the other important news covered by other platforms. Other content creators like Jack Mac post up-to-date content covering both big and niche stories he believes the public should hear. Despite the bias and questionable credibility, TikTok is a great way to learn about what's going on across the nation and world without censorship typically seen on other news platforms.


    Instagram is another massive platform for news. Allowing creators and other news sites to post content and allowing freedom of speech, for the most part. Instagram allows for content to both be found in the "Home" section and the "Reels" section. In the "Home" section, you find accounts you follow. This means news from sources you already trust or want to follow. On the other hand, the "Reels" section allows you to find new accounts or information recommended for you based on their algorithm. Accounts like Complex and WorldStar have gained a massive following for posting news on celebrities and popular musicians that many major news sources might view as unimportant or below them. 


    YouTube, being one of the older forms of social media still relevant, has been used to spread news for nearly two decades now. The platform's ability to adapt to change and adhere to what viewers want has been a key component to it's long-term success. YouTube's algorithm to advertise videos and clips based on the viewer's history allows for the spreading of news which interests that viewer. YouTube also has very deep archives, allowing for research on certain topics to be much easier while visual and audible. YouTube introduced "Shorts," which gives viewers the ability to scroll through news clips more so like TikTok or Instagram, but with the same algorithm used to find videos you might like. YouTube TV was also introduced in 2017, allowing for news sources and other platforms to stream their programs like normal television. 


    Talking to peers, friends, and families is a great way of spreading news or information. Whether it's national, statewide, or local news, talking to others is a great way to stay up to date with current events. The main issues with spreading news word-of-mouth is credibility and bias. The people spreading news might spin their own bias on it, or worse yet, could be wrong entirely. Despite this, spreading news through word-of-mouth is an excellent way to talk about issues or events that more so affect you or your community. 

Fox News

    Fox News is a very reputable source of national news with a conservative spin. While biased, Fox serves as a platform which hosts and discusses much of the political happenings nationwide. Personally, I was not one for watching televised news until this most recent election; for which I used Fox to follow. My housemates insisted it was an ideal source for updates and watching live. Since first tuning in, I have used Fox to follow all political happenings including the debates, polling/voting, and the inauguration. 

Blog #3 - The Eight Values of Free Expression

    The Eight Values of Free Expression are as written:  Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual S...